Collection: Tasmania Wild Biltong Company | Generations of Biltong Tradition

Clayton Waters, founder of Tasmania Wild Biltong Company, brings generations of tradition and passion for producing authentic biltong to the Tasmanian landscape. Born and raised in South Africa, the birthplace of biltong, Clayton grew up in a family of seven where the art of curing meat was a time honored tradition. From an early age, he learned to wild harvest game such as springbok, kudu, eland, impala, and oryx, transforming them into rich, flavourful biltong using spice blends passed down through his family.

With decades of experience, Clayton perfected the craft of making biltong that embodies the bold, authentic flavours only found in wild cured meats. His recipes, rooted in heritage, deliver the taste of the South African wilderness, with the finest quality meat and traditional curing methods.

In 2013, during a holiday to Tasmania, Clayton and his family fell in love with the island’s natural beauty and its pristine environment, recognising it as the ideal place to produce premium biltong. Drawn by Tasmania’s clean air, lush farmlands, and commitment to sustainable agriculture, Clayton moved his family to Southern Tasmania just four months later.

Since then, Tasmania Wild Biltong Company has been dedicated to handcrafting high-quality biltong using locally sourced, grass fed Tasmanian beef. Each batch is made with care, preserving the unique flavours of Tasmania while honoring the rich South African biltong tradition. Today, Tasmania Wild is proud to offer customers an authentic biltong experience that reflects both the wild spirit of South Africa and the pristine wilderness of Tasmania.

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